Pastor Dave joined Kfirst as Lead Pastor in April of 2009. Dave’s vision is to see Kfirst as a vibrant, life-giving community that makes it simple for people to find and follow Jesus. He loves teaching and preaching, and his passion for ministry is based on healthy relationships.
Pastor Dave and his wife, Anne, have been married for over 26 years and have three children: Camryn, Ethan, and Josh.
We believe one of the best next steps in getting involved is joining one of our 3 T’s! Teams, Tables, and Trainings are an excellent way to find community, grow spiritually, and deepen your relationship with Jesus.
Let’s find the right fit for you!
We believe the best way to have meaningful relationships and deep connections is through teams. As you work towards a common goal with others, you will develop rich friendships that go beyond ministry.
There are many different teams you can join. Click HERE to check them out!
At the center of the Christian faith is a shared table. Communion is more than when we remember the body and blood of Jesus with the bread and wine. Communion extends beyond that and includes our communion with the body of Christ around the shared table of community.
Check out our TABLES! -
At Kfirst we believe that learning happens best in circles rather than rows. In a circle, every member has something to contribute and every member has something to learn. Each Training focuses on a specific topic and takes a deep dive into it.
Check out our current TRAININGS!
New to Following Jesus?
Deciding to follow Jesus is a big step and one we believe is best celebrated in community. We would love to hear about your decision and celebrate with you by sending you a small gift!
Our first introduction to the Holy Spirit is not the drama of Pentecost in the second chapter of Acts. We first meet the Him in the second verse of the book of Genesis, hovering there, speaking the world into existence. Therefore, to study the third member of the Trinity, we don’t start in the New Testament but in the Old Testament. We see the Holy Spirit in stirring people’s hearts and lives. From the decrees of prophets and psalmists, to the actions of judges and craftspeople, to the anointing of kings and the promise of a new creation. The witness of the whole of Scripture, from its first pages to its last, directs us to a Holy Spirit “stirring” (empowering) the people of God, and sustaining and renewing the face of the earth. Join us for our series called “Stirred” as we study the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament.
For grades 7-12
Wednesdays | 7PM
Birth through 6th Grade
Sundays | 10AM
Couples Connect
4th Sundays | 6PM
Holy Spirit Conference
You’re invited to a day set apart to seek, learn, and grow together. The Holy Spirit Conference is an opportunity to experience God’s presence in a fresh way, be equipped through Scripture, and step confidently into the life He’s calling you to.
Wednesday prayer
We are calling our church to an evening of prayer on the first Wednesday of every month. Join Pastor Dave in the worship center from seven to 8 o’clock each Wednesday as we call out to the Lord together in prayer over our city and our country.
Stories are important for two reasons. First, they put into word what we’ve experienced to form gratitude in our hearts. They help us both appreciate and articulate the goodness of God. Second, the become the vehicle to reveal to others God’s faithfulness in the past. Stories remind us that God has been working in the past and He continues to work today.
The Kfirst Food Pantry Team organizes food distribution to those in need in our community. The food pantry happens on the third Thursday of the month.
Volunteers are needed for the following areas: food ordering, drivers, grocery uploading, phone volunteers, set up and clean up, greeters, registration, food runners and packers, and prayer partners.