Next Steps
Water Baptism is a beautiful moment that outwardly demonstrates a person's inward desire to follow after Jesus.
And it is one of the best next steps for a believer who has
never been baptized.
We believe that the best context for our own spiritual
growth is serving together. When we serve together
we move beyond ‘what church can do for me, to what
we can do to serve and minister to others. By serving on a
Next Gen team, you can be a part of helping the next
generation find and follow Jesus.
Next is an opportunity for the leadership at Kfirst to hear
your story and for you to hear ours. You will explore your personality, discover how you belong, and where to take
your next step at Kfirst.
Child dedication is a public commitment you make before
God, your church, and your family. The dedication service provides you, the parent(s), an opportunity to express
publicly your desire to lead and spiritually nurture your
child in cooperation with the Holy Spirit, so your child will develop a desire to love God and love others.

We believe that the best context for our own spiritual growth is serving together. When we serve together we move beyond ‘what church can do for me,’ to what we can do to serve and minister to others. Serving is a not only a vital part of our own spiritual growth, but it’s also the context for impact on others.
Kfirst has many opportunities to serve. We’re passionate about finding out what people are passionate about and helping them find a team that fits them, where they can grow as they serve with others and make the most difference.

At the center of the Christian faith is a shared table. Communion is more than when we remember the body and blood of Jesus with the bread and wine. Communion extends beyond that and includes our communion with the body of Christ around the shared table of community.

Trainings came to be because of the question, “What do we want for people?” How can people be discipled, learn, and grow at Kfirst?
Every training has discussion leaders and is organized around a unique curriculum that we have developed to be a springboard for discussion.

A healthy church is only as healthy as its core. And we call our core “Partnership.”
“Partnership” is the term we use to describe those who, not just refer to Kfirst as their home church, but choose to be identified as core participants of the mission and vision of “making it simple for people to find and follow Jesus.”