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Beyond 52

Beyond 52

I love our church. In fact, I think that you love our church too – otherwise, you wouldn’t be
here.Yet, there is a problem that arises when we relegate “church” to the hour we give him in 52
Sundays a year. I, personally, believe we need to allow the life of Christ to move in our lives
beyond 52 Sundays to see God work in every facet and in every day of our lives. I believe when
the Church is working right and lives beyond the 52 Sundays, there is nothing like it. The
Church is not an organization. It’s an organism designed to live, move, and have being. This
month, we celebrate everything that God has done on Sundays but we look forward to how He
desires to move in our lives 24/7. Join us in our new series “Beyond 52” as we cast our vision
for the year. Why? Here at Kfirst truly believe that the best is yet to come!