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Divided Kingdom

Divided Kingdom

The divided kingdom is such an important part of Israel’s history that affects more of the biblical narrative than most people realize. In fact, 20 of 39 OT books find their genesis in this story.
A kingdom divided will speak volumes to a present-day believer. Studying the story will not only speak to our hearts but challenge our lives. Our summer series will dive into Israel’s rich history and a series recall, “The Divided Kingdom.”

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Do you remember when you first started reading “chapter books”? It was that transition in growth when you moved from picture books to a simple story line to a narrative that was a bit more complex that it needed chapters to separate the tale into incremental bits so that the reader can take in all that the story provided. Chapters helped us the reader step into the journey the author intended to lead us into.
This is how we view the life that Christ has called us into. So if salvation is “chapter 1” of our new journey in Christ, then “chapter 2” is our next step in spiritual formation. In our next series, we are wanting to help encourage Kfirst to look to step forward into a new chapter of their own growth (discipleship) in Jesus. If we want to be a people to want to “be with Jesus so that we can become like Jesus,” then we need to look for a next step (or chapter) to begin. Join us as we discover what your “chapter 2” needs to be in your spiritual walk.



There are three main “offices” spoken of in the Old Testament-prophet, priest, and king. Jesus fulfills all three of these roles.
Normally, the three offices of prophet, priest, and king were distinct from each other, with no overlap. That is, a king was not a priest or a prophet. A priest did not function as a prophet or a king. And a prophet simply did a prophet’s job without trying to be a either king or a priest. But Jesus Christ perfectly fills all three roles simultaneously: He is the Prophet, Priest, and King, to the great blessing of the world. This series looks at these roles that Jesus has fulfilled and still fulfills – He is our Prophet to give us direction, He is our High Priest to free us from shame, and He is our King to give us unity and strength.