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Reclaiming Eden

Reclaiming Eden

What do you think of when you hear the word “reclaim”? To some, they think of “reclaimed” wood or timbers and decking rescued from old barns, factories, and warehouses. People will take what is reclaimed and use it for another purpose than the material was originally intended.

But to others, “reclaiming” has another meaning. It’s all about retrieving something that was lost or taken. It’s recovering something for the purpose of returning it to its original purpose or intent. And that’s the story of a place called Eden. It is here that biblical narrative has its beginnings with God creating everything. Light. Land. Animals. Humans. It was flawless and the birthplace of marriage. But in Genesis 3, perfection is broken. Innocence was not misplaced, it was given away. And since, we’ve been trying to figure out marriage hoping we’ll discover the key to marital happiness.

This June, we’re going back to Eden. We will go back to the design of what God brought together and learn from the One who designed it all. This June, we’re “Reclaiming Eden” and asking God to help us rediscover His design for marriage.

Follow Me

Follow Me

In the Great Commission, we were given direction from Jesus to go and make disciples. That means our heart is not just to help people to find Jesus but to help them follow him. In fact, those were the simple words Jesus utilized when he challenged people to change the direction of their lives toward him. He said the two words, “follow me.“ Join us for this brand new series as we put a focus on growing in Christ and becoming more like him.



Shifting is all about putting your vehicle into the proper gear to move you to where you need to be. This series is all about challenging us to ask the Holy Spirit to show us what our next step is in following Jesus and then to “shift“ into gear to go after it.

Dear Church

Dear Church

Shifting is all about putting your vehicle into the proper gear to move you to where you need to be. This series is all about challenging us to ask the Holy Spirit to show us what our next step is in following Jesus and then to “shift“ into gear to go after it.

Reconstructing Joy

Reconstructing Joy

Shifting is all about putting your vehicle into the proper gear to move you to where you need to be. This series is all about challenging us to ask the Holy Spirit to show us what our next step is in following Jesus and then to “shift“ into gear to go after it.

Beautiful Mess

Beautiful Mess

Shifting is all about putting your vehicle into the proper gear to move you to where you need to be. This series is all about challenging us to ask the Holy Spirit to show us what our next step is in following Jesus and then to “shift“ into gear to go after it.